Horne was two up in the early stages but had been pulled back to a one-hole lead by the turn before forging clear with wins at the 10th, 112th, 12th and 13th.
Hole 1 - Horne won. One up
Hole 2 Halved
Hole 3 Halved
Hole 4 Horne won. Two up
Hole 5 Halved
Hole 6 Halved
Hole 7 Clark won. Horne one up.
Hole 8 Halved
Hole 9 Halved. Horne one up at the turn
Hole 10 Horne wins. Horne 2 up.
Hole 11 Horne wins. Horne 3 up
Hole 12 Horne wins. Horne 4 up
Hole 13 Horne wins. Horne 5 up
Hole 14 Clark wins. Horne 4 up.
Hole 15 Horne wins hole and match by 5 and 3.
Published by scottishgolfview.com